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Saturday, April 25, 2015

This summer protect yourself from 'six skin sins'

A lot has been said and written on what is to be done to have glorious looking skin and to look your best. However, it is equally important to know factors which destroy your skin and cause it to look dull, lead to an uneven skin tone and make one look tired and older than the actual age.
Dr Sirisha Singh, who founded the Skin Center in 2008, addresses the six most common skin sins that many commit and that have the potential to destroy the skin. So make sure you avoid these 'Six Skin Sins' this summer:
Smoking: Nicotine not only destroys but has the potential to kill the skin. It affects the ability of the skin to renew and regenerate. Over a period of time this hastens ageing of the skin. Many heavy smokers also suffer from "fag lines" that radiate out from the outer edge of the lips.
Unprotected Sun Exposure: This comes a close second to nicotine in terms of skin sins. Cumulative UV exposure over years adds up to significant skin damage and adds years to the skin. The UV light causes pigmentation of the skin, damages the collagen (the elastic tissue) of the skin and in extreme cases also has the potential to cause skin cancers.
Wearing make-up to bed: During the night, the skin rejuvenates itself. The temperature of the skin goes up a notch and the pores open up. Hence it is vital to cleanse the skin at night to unplug the pores and use night creams or vitamin rich creams overnight as they penetrate better at night. Wearing make-up to bed clogs the pores and can cause break-outs of pimples. Over a period of time, the cumulative damage may cause the skin to appear lackluster.
Stress: Stress causes damage to almost all organs of the body, the skin being no exception. During stress, our body releases a hormone called cortisol which reduces the blood supply to the skin and over a period of time, the skin may appear dull, sallow and may also develop acne. There is no single solution for stress, each one of us has to device their own coping strategy which may be yoga, breathing exercises, walking or going to the gym.
Skipping sleep: The term "beauty sleep" is based on scientific facts. During sleep, our body releases growth hormone. This hormone helps the skin to heal itself and can add to a healthy glow. People who do not get the required amount of sleep or people who have a poor quality sleep often do not produce enough of this hormone and can as a consequence have dull skin which also ages faster.
Unhealthy Eating: During the summers, the heat and UV light cause significant oxidative damage to the skin and also other organs. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants which combat this damage. If proper attention is not paid to the diet and we have inadequate anti-oxidants in the diet, then there is extensive damage to the cells which manifests as accelerated ageing.
Most of us have committed some sin or the other at various points in our lives. The point is that these sins, if not controlled and if committed over prolonged periods of time, can cause significant damage which is irreparable. So, try and avoid these sins for a great looking and glowing skin tone this summer. 

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