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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Top 5 salads to welcome summers with!

Summers are hot and exhausting, nonetheless it is the favourite season of many. Be it for the bright and vibrant colours, flavours, clothes or food to top it all. As the temperature rises you are naturally tempted towards ice creams and and drinks. But to keep yourself well hydrated, salads are a must in the diet. They are not only delicious but also keep your calorie count in check too. Just to help you out below is the list of few summer fresh salads that will surely give your health a boost along with hydration. Pack the summers with antioxidants and vitamins the yummy way.
Cucumber and mint salad
As fresh as it sounds, cucumber and mint salad is delicious and also packed with health. Cucumbers are a great source of hydration of our bodies and are refreshing. Whereas, mint is best known for their minerals and vitamins. Being the powerhouse of nutrition they are a delicious way to detoxify your body too. You can always top it up with baby tomatoes and black pepper.

Cucumber mango salad
Craving for something cold and sweet? Then you must dive into this combo. Cucumber along with mangoes will give a shot of instant refreshment to your body and mind. Known as the king of fruits, mangoes are everyone's favourite. Rich in both vitamins and fibre, it refreshes your system and bolsters your immunity.

Watermelon and tomato salad
Red should be the colour of our salad this summer. This cool and fresh combination is rich in Vitamin A which can be a perfect antidote this summer. Replace ice creams with this red salad and keep your waist line in check. The juicy and sweet watermelon, which is 95% water, boosts your fluid intake.
Lettuce and strawberry salad
Experiments in kitchen can always end up with a unique and new dish. Try out something different with lettuce and strawberries. You can always top it up with fruit cream as per your taste preferences. Lettuce is a great ingredient for hydration and combined with strawberries it can easily be any child's favourite. This salad will not only provide you with vitamins but it will also give your body the with the much-needed antioxidants. Try new, try delicious.

Leafy salad
If you are a gym freak then leaves may sounds attractive to you. Simple yet delicious treat this summer is a leafy salad. Lettuce being the must addition to summer salads can be added with cherry tomatoes along with iceberg lettuce, small bunch butter lettuce, small bunch lollo rosso lettuce and small bunch Romanian lettuce. Top it up with lemon juice and black pepper as per your taste preferences. Happy and healthy eating this summer!

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