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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Summer Special: Top five tips to keep you cool during workout

Exercise and physical activity are essential part of life in order to stay fit and healthy.
But exercising in hot and humid weather can take a toll on you, if not planned carefully.
Below are a few tips to help you beat the summer heat during workout:
Exercise either early morning or early evening. Avoid working out from 10 am to 3 pm as this is the hottest part of the day.
Choose wicking clothes
While cotton material is good, try wearing loose-fitting polyester/cotton blend instead, or synthetic fibers that are designed for wicking during workout.
Stay hydrated
While you should drink plenty of water throughout the day, hydrate your body before, during and after physical activity by carrying a bottle of water and drinking it often. But, avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
Apply sunscreen
Never step out without applying sunscreen on your skin. Always wear a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to prevent sunburn even on cloudy days.
Split up your exercise
Exercising for long hours in summer can get weary. So, you may split up your workouts or exercise twice in a day instead of working out for 30 minutes once at a time.

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